Welcome or welcome back! Series three, episode three of A Writer’s Life! If you’d like to hear me read this, then click below: (Music by FASSounds and Music_For_Videos from Pixabay.)
4 minute read
Early in my teaching career, way back in the nineties, I was friends with another teacher. We started teaching the same year in the same school with classrooms next to each other. Whilst teaching has changed a lot over the decades, it has always been challenging. A class of 35 children including 23 very immature boys can really test your mettle. It’s a steep learning curve when you first start teaching and it all comes in thick and fast! My teaching friend and I used to discuss ‘break the pencil’ days. This isn’t as it may appear, a day where you got so mad at the class that you snapped a pencil. It was the opposite. It was a day when you were writing and the pencil lead would break rendering you a blubbering mess. You weren’t upset about the pencil, it’s just that you could not take anything more in that moment.
Sound familiar? That incident that manifests as your breaking point. The microsecond that sends you spinning upwards into high atmospheres then plummeting down to hit the ground hard. And it doesn’t end there. You go through the ground into the shadowy depths where even dwarves fear to go. A harsh moment in time. How do we bounce back from that? We all have our own tools, strategies and support systems (feel free to share in the comments) but we do come back. Deep down, we know that this feeling, these feelings, this painful way of being will pass. There is a reason the word resilience exists.

When the darkness finds me and sets up home (easy because it already has foundations), I remind myself that it will pass. This doesn’t make the feeling any better in that moment but it gets me through the next moment and the next (and hey, it gives me something to write about!). I praise myself for the little things. I got out of bed - yay me! I focus on everything I have done, no matter how minor and try to pull the focus away from the things I haven’t done. It helps me to sit in it without becoming completely crippled.
I’ve been getting into the habit of it now. I look for pockets of happiness even when everything is going ok. Flexing my squirrel happiness-hoarding muscles so I can build up credit. We have become far too used to running on empty - no energy left but still going like a maniacal Duracell bunny!
I had a day where I knocked over three drinks, tripped up a couple of times, lost something and had my cat bleed (poor baby) on my white blanket. Yes, in the moment I was frustrated and demanding to know why this was happening to me today but I tried to flip the script. I had gratitude for the fact that; I had something to drink and could refill it at any time; I owned the item that I had lost and it must be in the house somewhere; I didn’t break any bones when I tripped; I have a cat and access the veterinary care - and yes, even the blood came out of the blanket!
I know in the grand scheme of things that people are dealing with so much more than these somewhat minor inconveniences and I have dealt with so much more in the past too. But, it can be the small thing that tips you over the edge sometimes so why not look for the small things to actually build you up?
I challenge you dear readers to a spiritual scavenger hunt. Over the next few weeks, see if you can:
identify something that made you laugh out loud (and save that feeling)
recall a kindness from a friend (or even a stranger)
find an item at home that brings back fond memories
write down three occasions when you felt loved
say thank you for that last-minute save
I would love to hear how you get on. Let me know in the comments or hit reply! Spring is just around the corner and winter is over. Let’s look to nature for inspiration for starting new things, returning to old projects and taking one step further towards our goals!
I did say I would share some of my writing with you and as it’s been a while since I sent a newsletter, I’m sharing a poem and the shortest of stories with you. Enjoy!
It took but a split second the glass now horizontal the floor shiny with its unexpected new layer it wasn’t the first time this week that water had flowed overflowed was there a message I paused to consider and in that moment I realised the message may be to simply be to stop breathe sigh instead of letting the world and my life rush by the water had spilt and the clock kept ticking the water had spilt and my heart kept beating the water had spilt and it was fine this time and the last there would have been a time when it felt like the worst thing that could happen the final straw the final crack of the camel’s back water spilt tears spilling down my face emotions flowing overflowing but not today I stayed in my flow let the emotions and water come and go I shall take a moment to recognise my growth celebrate and so I raise a glass.
A drabble (story with 100 words)
Lost without its partner; peeking sadly from the mourning dark. Heartbroken, longing for its twin. They had constantly hung out in the same position yet in different places. Swinging happily, receiving compliments everywhere.
At night laying side by side, comfortable; a perfect pair. That final warm hug had separated them. Caught wrapped in ringlets not wanting to let go. Eventually released but never the same. Weakened. Gravity called, separating one from the other.
A search, but too late for the other had been swept away. Discarded with the debris from the night, destined to join the community of lost earrings.
I loved hearing you read this! Especially the poem. I also really enjoyed that drabble. So clever!
Thank you for the prompt, here are mine after some reflection:
🧡 identify something that made you laugh out loud (and save that feeling): It is the way one of the dogs in my care plays with his treat before eating it. He pounces around it like he is jumping for joy. I love it so much!
🧡 recall a kindness from a friend (or even a stranger): My lovely niece who reminded me that some good news was a result of my hard work, and not all luck.
🧡 find an item at home that brings back fond memories: I have started wearing a necklace again this last week that I haven't in DECADES. It is a beaded necklace that spells out my name in a rainbow that I got when I was 6. I am reminded of "Little Loz" and spending time with her every day I wear it.
🧡 write down three occasions when you felt loved: On the phone with my Dad and Nan for Easter today, my best friend who created so many special meals for me while I visited to show me my allergies cannot stop a yummy dinner and the group chat with my two sisters and my best friend which is just for my travel check-ins so they can keep up with where I am and know I am safe.
🧡 say thank you for that last-minute save: OOOOH! This is a great prompt I am going to try and think about often. Recently, it would be the instinct to move my laptop for some reason and then realise it was close to a drool puddle the cat had created (she is very old and drools more than I thought possible) and would have been victim if I didn't.
Beautiful share, thank you and your Drabble was fabulous!!