I loved hearing you read this! Especially the poem. I also really enjoyed that drabble. So clever!

Thank you for the prompt, here are mine after some reflection:

๐Ÿงก identify something that made you laugh out loud (and save that feeling): It is the way one of the dogs in my care plays with his treat before eating it. He pounces around it like he is jumping for joy. I love it so much!

๐Ÿงก recall a kindness from a friend (or even a stranger): My lovely niece who reminded me that some good news was a result of my hard work, and not all luck.

๐Ÿงก find an item at home that brings back fond memories: I have started wearing a necklace again this last week that I haven't in DECADES. It is a beaded necklace that spells out my name in a rainbow that I got when I was 6. I am reminded of "Little Loz" and spending time with her every day I wear it.

๐Ÿงก write down three occasions when you felt loved: On the phone with my Dad and Nan for Easter today, my best friend who created so many special meals for me while I visited to show me my allergies cannot stop a yummy dinner and the group chat with my two sisters and my best friend which is just for my travel check-ins so they can keep up with where I am and know I am safe.

๐Ÿงก say thank you for that last-minute save: OOOOH! This is a great prompt I am going to try and think about often. Recently, it would be the instinct to move my laptop for some reason and then realise it was close to a drool puddle the cat had created (she is very old and drools more than I thought possible) and would have been victim if I didn't.

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I loved reading your responses to the prompts - thank you!

"My lovely niece who reminded me that some good news was a result of my hard work, and not all luck"

This is a VERY useful reminder. You have a wise niece!

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I am very lucky to have her and very grateful for your prompt to make me think about this ๐Ÿงก

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Beautiful share, thank you and your Drabble was fabulous!!

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Thank you so much Susannah!

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